CPAG Letters

Monday 8th January 2024 

Dear Parents and Carers 

Re: Community and Parent Advisory Group (CPAG) 

Following our meeting in November, a number of actions were agreed (see minutes attached to this email) and I’m writing to ask for your support in taking them forward. To enable this, I’ve created two new surveys, specific to each of the areas of focus, which I’ve added to this letter and will explain in more detail below. We would really appreciate as many people as possible answering them, as this will give us the best chance of being successful in our aims. 

  1. Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging (EDIB)  
  • As stated in the minutes of the last meeting the school has undertaken a comprehensive 2-part audit through the lenses of race, neurodiversity and LGBTQ+; Part 1 looked at our policies, website and welcome book, as well as some of the day-to-day practices such as members of staff being on the gate and the playground at the start/end of the day; Part 2 looked in-depth at our curriculum. 
  • We know from our school surveys that, overwhelmingly, you believe that the school is inclusive for people from different cultures. 
  • We want greater involvement of parents/carers, and the wider community, to take the EDIB agenda further, and have discussed ideas such as a parent/community diversity group, who would lead on this and represent a broader cross-section of our school community. 
  • If you are interested in getting involved, please complete the attached survey – 
  1. Sustainability at Filton Avenue Primary School 
  • Again, referring back to the minutes, the first thing we need to do is define what sustainability means, in relation to Filton Avenue Primary School. There are things happening in and around school already, e.g. curriculum enquiries and solar panels on the dining room, but we don’t yet have a coordinated plan for how to take forward this hugely important issue. 
  • It was agreed that we need to enlist the help of others in the school community who have expertise in and/or a commitment to sustainability, who can then work with the school to lead on this. 
  • If you are interested in getting involved, please complete the attached survey – 

As you can see, for both of these two areas of focus, we genuinely want/need your help to make the progress we are looking for. Any working groups/parties would feed into the CPAG itself and parents/carers are welcome to be a part of as many of these groups as they wish.

For a translatable version of this letter please click on this link –

If you wish to discuss any of the above, please don’t hesitate to contact me. 

Yours sincerely, 

Dan Rodeck 
