
General funding

We are funded by the Department for Education through a Multi Academy Trust (Trust in Learning Academies). The Trust and our local governing body are responsible for ensuring we meet our statutory requirements and provide a high quality service as a school. Annual accounts are available on the Trust in Learning Academies website.

Part of the governors’ role is to ensure that we make best use of the annual budget, they spend time with us, know us well and are able to offer a wide range of knowledge and expertise to meet our needs.

Pupil Premium

Current Academic Year (2024-25)

Our Pupil Premium fund for the current academic year will be £338,920

Pupil Premium Strategy Filton Avenue Primary School 2024-25 

Previous Academic Year (2023-24)

Our Pupil Premium fund for the previous academic year was £344,835

Pupil Premium Strategy Filton Avenue Primary School 2023-24 

Previous Academic Year (2021-22)

The Pupil Premium fund for academic year 2021-22 was £342,975.

Our statement, funding and spend breakdowns for 2021/22 and strategy for the current year can be found here:

Filton Avenue Primary school Covid 19 Moving Forward Plan


Filton Avenue Primary Pupil Premium Strategy Report 2020-2023

PE and Sports Premium
Filton Avenue Primary School received a grant of £21,160 in the 2023-24 academic year. The aims for the investment are:
  • To improve play and playtimes across the school
  • To increase the breadth and quality of the PE curriculum in all classes.
  • To increase the PE skills of all pupils.
  • To increase the PE opportunities for pupils during and after school
  • To increased opportunities in competitive sports

We have invested in:

Outdoor Play and Learning (OPAL) programme and Purposeful Play

This is a mentor supported school improvement programme that supports us in strategically and sustainably improving the quality of play opportunities. Alongside he membership fee we have invested in equipment, storage and training and development for all staff.

Training and development

We continue to invest in staff training and development to give teachers subject knowledge and confidence in coaching PE. The Real PE scheme provides inset day training for all staff and ongoing CPD.


We continue to upgrade and invest in sport equipment including football goals and nets, netball nets, gymnastic benches and various small items (balls, beanbags bibs).

Sports clubs and coaching

The school has worked with Bristol Sports coaching to increase the amount and variety of after school and lunchtime clubs we offer. More children are able to access clubs than previously and we are constantly looking into a range of additional sports clubs that we may be able to offer in future terms across the academic year.

Competitions and Excursions

Various groups have taken part in external competitions including gymnastics club, football club and the dance club.


We offer regular swimming opportunities to years 3, 4 and 6. We aim for all year 6 children to meet the national curriculum requirement to swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres. Swimming is paid for from the school budget and not from the PE and Sports Premium.

Please see the below document for a full breakdown of how we have spent our premium and the impact we have had.

Evidencing the impact of the PE and Sports Premium at Filton Avenue Primary School 2023 – 24

Gender Pay Gap Information

Information on the gender pay gap can be found on Trust In Learning Academies website here

Time Taken Off by Staff Who are Union Officials

The information about time taken off by staff who are union officials can be found in Trust in Learning’s annual report here