Class/Year group parties

Lockleaze Road/Orchard Campus

The children will be celebrating all their hard work over the autumn terms with a party.

Last day of Term 2

Lockleaze Road-Phase 3 Hall

School finishes at the usual time – 3.15pm

Term 3

Year 6 SATs Meeting

Lockleaze Road phase 3 Hall

Join the Year 6 team to learn more about the national tests your child will sit in May

Year 6 SATs Meeting

Lockleaze Road phase 3 Hall

Join the Year 6 team to learn more about the national tests your child will sit in May

Year 6 SATs Meeting

Lockleaze Road phase 3 Hall

Join the Year 6 team to learn more about the national tests your child will sit in May  

Year 5 Cake Sale

Orchard Campus

Please come and support Year 5 raise funds for their ‘Toilet Twinning Project’ as part of their Enquiry Curriculum

Poetry Week

The children will be learning poems throughout January and will be competing against other classes in their phase in poetry recitals held this week.

Year 1 Trip to Bristol Zoo

1G and Cherry Class will be visiting Bristol Zoo as part of their topic ‘What am I?’

Year 1 Trip to Bristol Zoo

1P and 1S will be visiting Bristol Zoo as part of their topic ‘What am I?’

FFAO KS1 Film Night

Orchard Campus

Join us for a film night, film to be confirmed