School Uniforms

We encourage all pupils to wear the school uniform.

The school uniform for Reception through to Year 4 is navy sweatshirts/cardigans worn with black/grey trousers/skirts and pale blue or white polo shirts. During the summer black/grey shorts and blue gingham dresses can be worn. For Year 5 and Year 6 pupils it is a navy v necked jumper with a school tie and a white shirt worn with black/grey trousers/skirts.

Uniform is supplied by ‘Monkhouse Schoolwear’. 

Items can be purchased online or, if you do not have access to the internet, please ask in the school reception as we can place an order for you. To help you choose the correct size for your child, school reception holds samples of the uniform in different sizes for children to try on. If you need to order a new sweatshirt for younger children that you hope will fit them as they enter Year 5, you could order a navy jumper instead. Your child can wear the jumper before they reach Year 5 so that you will not have to discard a sweatshirt that still fits.

Please remember to order in good time for the new school term, as our school uniform supplier gets very busy over the summer months and it may take several weeks to supply your order.

Please make sure that all uniform is labelled with your child’s name. Write your child’s name on their PE bag and book bag. A book bag is useful as it is important that children can easily carry their books, homework and any letters to and from school. All long hair must be tied back with a sensible band. Jewellery is not allowed other than small stud earrings.

Second-hand uniform

The Friends of Filton Avenue (FFA) regularly do second hand uniform sales to raise money for the school, which are promoted through our school communications systems. In the school office there is a school uniform donation box that the FFA use for their sales.