
We are committed to providing all our pupils with an education which maximises opportunities for them to achieve their potential and help develop skills for life. We provide a welcoming, caring environment, where each member of the community belongs. Your child should attend school every day unless there is an unavoidable cause.

Why attend school every day?

Good attendance, of 95% or above, gives your child the best opportunity of success and helps develop skills for life. Evidence shows there is a clear link between attendance and their success.
Missing school damages pupil’s learning, disrupts routines for themselves and their classmates and can make them feel isolated from their peers.
The classroom doors open at the start times listed earlier in the welcome book, learning begins at this time. If your child is late they are missing the valuable start to the day.

What should I do if my child is off school?

Telephone the school office by 9.30am on each day of their absence so that we know your child is safe at home. Please try and make any medical, dental or other appointments out of school time. However, if it is unavoidable, it is always worth bringing your child into school before and/or after their appointments. Please let the school know in advance of any appointments they need to attend, so that we can update our records. You may be asked for a medical certificate or appointment card if your child is regularly absent due to illness or dental/medical appointments.

Absence in Term Time

Holiday during term time is not allowed. Permission for any planned absence from school must be sought from the Head Teacher. The government stipulates that the Head Teacher may grant permission to take time off during term time only in exceptional circumstances. A Request for Absence form must be submitted to the school at least 3 weeks before time off is required. Taking time off without permission will be counted as unauthorised and 5 days or more in a 10 week period unauthorised absences can lead to a penalty notice and a fine being issued. If you require support in completing the absence form please ask a member of the school office team.

Penalty notice

Parent/carers commit an offence if their child doesn’t attend school regularly and the absence has not been authorised. In these cases a penalty notice may be issued and would need to be paid within 28 days, otherwise you may face the possibility of a prosecution.

What should I do if I’m having difficulties with attendance?

It’s important you come and speak to us straight away. Remember parents / carers have a legal responsibility to make sure their child attends school. We can offer you support. Ros Walker, our Attendance Lead, is available to meet with you or we can point you in the right direction for further support with the Education Welfare Service. If you want to talk to Ros, please ring the school on 0117 903 0302 or email [email protected].