Friends of Filton Avenue

Our parent/carer association is called the Friends of Filton Avenue (FFA). It is a great way you can get involved in school life. The FFA is run by volunteer parents, carers and staff who seek to support the School community. We organise and run events and arrange fundraisers to provide experiences and equipment which enhance the education and sense of community for all pupils. Please look out for our posts on Dojo or in your class Whatsapp group advertising upcoming events. 

The FFA is always grateful for volunteers. If you are interested in helping at an event, joining a team or joining the committee then please contact the FFA via email on [email protected] or get in touch with your class rep.  

The Committee: 

Every parent, carer and guardian with a child at the school, as well as all staff are members of the FFA by default and are able to attend the AGM and get involved with the committee.  

The committee meets regularly in order to organise and arrange all the FFA events.  There are voluntary positions that are voted for each year at the AGM; the Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary and Treasurer. To ensure that the FFA is run fairly, there is a ‘constitution’ in place that sets out how we are governed, which is agreed at the annual general meeting (AGM).  

There are also many other opportunities to support the FFA in smaller teams such as selling pre-loved uniform, ice cream sales and helping at one off events.  

What have we paid for? 

This year the Friends of Filton Avenue have spent £600 so that all children could experience a Christmas performance,  £600 contributed to the Arts enrichment day and £850 on a class set of Ukuleles. 

We have also had some brilliant ideas from our Student Council and will update soon on how we’ve been able to put their suggestions into action. 

What have we done this year? 

Started class WhatsApp groups for every class 

Festive fun events for KS1 and KS2 

Pre-loved uniform sales 

Bake sales 

Ice pop and ice lolly sales 

Easter Holiday Hunt 

Eid Celebration bake sale 

Plant Sale 

Organised new parking buddies for the front of school 

Summer Fair….coming soon!  


The FFA relies on volunteers, and any offer of help no matter how big or small is gratefully received from all family groups and backgrounds. 

You do not have to attend meetings to be involved, you can instead contact the FFA via email, class Whatsapp group or in the playground to let us know how you can help or about an idea that you have had. 

Email: [email protected] 

In person: Come and talk to us at our next playground sale. 

Facebook Group:FFA Lockleaze Road member page 

Upcoming dates and events: 

Summer Fair 2024!  

Sat 6th July 1.30-4pm In the school playgrounds and playing field – come along for fun, food, free cake, stalls, bouncy castles, fun games, raffles, entertainment and much much more!  

Do get in touch if you would like to volunteer to help us out beforehand or on the day! [email protected]