The School Day

We know that children thrive in a well-organised school therefore, structure and routines are extremely important to us.

Each morning the school gates open at 8.35am. The official start of the school day is 8.45am. The staff are ready to greet the children, you can ask them questions. The morning is a busy time as the children begin lessons straight away, so if you need a longer chat, you should ask to see a member of staff at the end of the day. The school gates are locked at 8:50am so please ensure your child is in class before this time.

If your child arrives after 8:50am please bring them to the main school office. The office staff will sign them in and take them to class.

To ensure that this time is protected, the children will not get their coats and bags until after the bell has gone at the official end of the school day which is 3:15pm for Reception and Year 1, 3:20pm for Years 2-4, and 3:25pm for Years 5 and 6 .

Once all children have their belongings the teacher will hand the children over to the adult collecting them. Please ensure that you are on time to collect your child so that they do not become anxious. If for any reason you know that you may be late, please let the office know ASAP so that a message can be passed on to the class Teacher.

If parents have provided consent, children in year 5 and year 6 may walk home alone.

Children who have not been collected by 3:30pm will be taken to after school club and you may be charged for this session.

The teaching week at Filton Avenue Primary School consists of 33.5hrs hours a week over the 5 days from 8.45am – 3.15pm, 3.20pm or 3.25pm (depending on which year group) each day.

Starting Arrangements

Reception and Year 1 Classes
When your child first starts school please bring them to the classroom door where they will be met by their class teacher and/or teaching assistant. Leaving your child at the entrance doors to come into the school building by themselves helps them to develop independence, and avoids the classrooms and corridors becoming too busy, ensuring a smooth start to the day.

Year 2 – 6 Classes
In the mornings there are teaching assistants and members of the leadership team on the playgrounds, welcoming you and your child(ren) into school. Each year group has a separate entrance through which they enter the school building before making their way to their classrooms.

Meeting Your Child at the End of the Day

Reception and Year 1 Classes
Our recommendation is that children should be collected by someone over 18 and we ask that you let us know all adults who may collect so we can record them on our school system. Please collect your child from the classroom door in the playground. We ask that parents/carers stay in the playground, where we will hand your child over to you. If you are unable to collect your child, please let us know your alternative arrangements in advance.

Year 2 – 6 Classes
Please collect your child from the playground where the teacher will hand your child(ren) over to you. If you are unable to collect your child, please let us know your alternative arrangements in advance.

Year 5 – 6 Classes
Year 5 and 6 children may travel to and from school independently but this must be requested in writing using the school’s Safer Travel permission form.