
Being a Musician at Filton Avenue 

Wider musical opportunities

Music is taught through our Curious City enquiries and features as a secondary state of being. This means it is taught within a context and is used to support other learning too.

Where is my school?

Is a Year 1 enquiry where learners are Musicians. Within this enquiry, learners look at map reading skills and consider where their school is on a world map and Google Maps, as well as create a key for a simple map of their school. During this time, they consider the sounds in the school and create a soundscape of all of the noises they can hear. They experiment with their voices and create, select and combine sounds to create their own soundscapes. 

Learners also have the opportunity to be musicians during music assemblies. These assemblies are delivered in phases or key stages, which means that National Curriculum objectives can be followed, and progress can be seen through the year. In Key Stage One, learners have the opportunity to sing songs, speak in chants and rhymes as well as listen to music, both recorded and live. In Key Stage Two, this progresses to using their voices to sing and chant with greater accuracy, fluency, control and expression. Children also listen and respond to a wider range of live and recorded music drawn from different traditions and from great composers and musicians. This in turn helps to develop a greater understanding of the history of music. 

In Years 3 and 5, children are Musicians through whole class instrument lessons. Here they learn to use and understand staff and musical notations. Children are also offered peripatetic instrument lessons for an additional cost. 

Being a Champion Musician

National Curriculum coverage linked to our enquiries

School music development plan summary

If you want to be a Musician at home, try looking at these websites: