Flu Vaccinations

Orchard Campus

If you want your child(ren) to receive a flu vaccination please complete the consent form that will be sent out to you.

Children in Need

Lockleaze Road/Orchard Campus

We will be joining the thousands of schools in raising money to support the amazing work of BBC Children in Need. More details to follow

Nativities and Performances -TBC

Lockleaze Road/Orchard Campus

As with our other celebrations, we are very unlikely to be able to run these as normal. This is a great shame, as we know how much they mean to you and your children. We don’t want to miss out on these special occasions, so are looking at ‘virtual’ ways to make them happen.

Enrichment Day

Lockleaze Road/Orchard Campus

Replacing Golden Time for Years 3-6, this is a fun filled day where children get to experience, explore and participate in a range of extra-curricular activities to celebrate their hard work throughout the term.

Last day of Term 2

Lockleaze Road/Orchard Campus

School finishes at the (new) usual times.

Easter Bonnet Parades

Lockleaze Road

Reception and Year 1 will be displaying their Bonnets – we will be sharing this on Class Dojo.

FFA Meeting

Via Zoom The FFA are meeting to discuss fundraising, and potential events, for the rest of the academic year. All are welcome!

Parent/Carer Consultations

Via Zoom We look forward to being able to discuss and celebrate your child’s progress, with learning shared on your child’s Class Dojo portfolio.

OPAL Non-uniform Day

Please bring in a ‘loose part’ donation for in return for your child(ren) not wearing school uniform. We will send out the loose parts list early in Term 5.